imess SB systems measure the width of parent coil inline

The variants SB flex and SB fix have the advantage of a high measurement rate hat coil width between 0 and 2100 mm.


continuous bandwidth monitoring at fixed or flexible camera positions.

Depending on the requirements cameras move either automatically or are fixed to observe the width continuously. They detect the edges of the sheet with backlight and calculate the width. Both variants SB flex and SB fix have the advantage of a high measurement rate. SB fix works with a camera array. In addition to the advantage that no moving components are used, the width changes typical for Contilinien are also detected immediately.


imess SB measures the width during running production

operator independent 100% control

The cameras measure the strip width continously and fully automatically at a high measuring rate, so that defective width can be reliably detected and assigned to the belt length.

System controllable by PLC

The control of the bandwidth measurement system can be completely taken over by the customer’s control system and returns the measurement results via various interfaces.

Archiving of measurement results

All results are stored and archived on a coil-by-coil basis and can be retrieved at any time. This provides additional security in the event of a reclamation.

The use of multiple cameras enables

an immediate reaction

to width changes


operator-friendly measurement software for evaluation and recording

The measurement data is evaluated with the software which also signalizes tolerance exceedances at once. The results are stored for each coil.

  • Password protected parameter menu

  • Simple definition of nominal values and tolerances

  • Graphical depiction of results

  • Export of measurement values as CSV-file