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Four Advantages of imess Products
High-end measurement systems require qualified planning. We guarantee best quality standards on the basis of our proven development methods and long term experience.
Individual in-depth Consultation
First, our imess experts clarify precisely your requirements and personally visit your production to assess the conditions on site.
Creating a Catalogue of Specifications
Subsequently, we develop a catalogue based on your requirements to design your individual test system.
Implementation of the Measurement System
Our optical measurement solutions are tailor-made for your specific needs, using high quality components only.
Integration of the new Measurement System
The new measurement system is customized to work efficiently in your work environment. A proper integration is equally important as the functioning system itself.
Get to know imess products
imess develops and builds optical measurement and test systems for special industrial demands.
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imess develops
optical measurement and test systems
for customers worldwide since 1998
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Please contact us.
We are happy to answer your questions regarding optical measurement systems and test equipment. Your individual requirements will be specified by our experienced staff to develop the most suitable solution for you.