imess filter tube inspection

The quality and manufacturing accuracy of filter tubes play an important role in water treatment, for example, as their design prevents foreign material, such as sand, from entering the interior without impeding the flow of water. The imess system for testing filter tubes – also known as edge gap filters or gap filters – is ideal for determining the winding distance in the component.


Inspection with high-precision camera

The turns of the filter tube are clearly visible in the camera image thanks to the backlighting in the tube. The camera and lighting move together along the very narrow filter tube.


Fast evaluation in intuitive software

  • Comparison of the measured winding geometry with target data

  • Simple display of tolerance exceedances and unwinding graphs

  • Intuitive operation

  • Export of the measured values as a CSV file

Technical Data

Technische Daten variieren je nach Kundenanforderung.
Exemplarische Standardwerte:

  • Measuring length: 1,500 mm (i.e. pipes up to 3,000 mm can be tested)

  • Tube diameter inside: 18 – 350 mm

  • Smallest gap: 0.030 mm

  • Measuring accuracy: ± 0.005 mm

  • Measuring time: < 20 seconds